Aline Cavalcante

Aline Cavalcante

Aline Cavalcante is journalist and has been promoting bicycle movements since moving to São Paulo in 2008. She is on the list of the "five urban visionaries in Latin America" by America's Quarterly magazine. She was invited to a diplomatic meeting with Patrícia Espinosa, international leader of the UN for Climate Change (UNFCCC) in recognition of her work with mobility and feminism in Brazil. Part of her fight is recorded in the award-winning documentary 'Bikes vs Cars' that has been circulating the world since 2015, fomenting the debate on urban planning in big cities. She is currently Public Relations and founder of the Climate Change and Active Mobility Coalition, director of Public Participation in Ciclocidade - São Paulo Urban Cyclist Association - and Regional Councilor at UCB - Brazilian Union of Cyclists.

Agustina Comas

Agustina Comas

Carlos Castaño-Uribe

Carlos Castaño-Uribe